Epic image of Cole

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Cole on the summon stone

Cole was chosen to be summoned because she is the descendant of the original author of the addendum. The second spell involved the author's blood and was drafted to continue following the bloodline through the ages. Out of all her relatives, Cole was chosen as she is the most magically inclined and has the strongest pull for the spell. (This is a panel from my comic,check it out.)

Epic image of Cole


Cole is confident, she's usually pretty lucky and always goes into situations expecting them to work out. When something doesn't go her way Cole takes it in stride and adapts by making a new plan rather than brewing on how it went wrong. Cole thinks very 'in the moment' and is not a reflective person which causes her to repeat mistakes. Cole has a very hot temper which most often manifests as yelling, but everyone involved understands that it's more of a performance than a real anger (a perfect example is the replenish video). She can also be devious and can be mean spirited or spiteful with someone she truly despises. Cole will go out of her way to be manipulative and attempt to socially humiliate a person. Cole thinks this is normal behavior and is skeptical when it comes to meeting new people or being around others that she can't get a good read on.

Why is she pink?

Cole is pink because when I first designed the character I choose pink because at the time I was tiered of drawing natural skin color. A year or two later when she became established as a character and not just a design I left it because I was still tiered of drawing normal skin. I draw new art of her is with a human skin tone but most of her art on the page predates that decision.

Epic image of Cole Epic image of Cole


Cole’s story begins when she is summoned naked on a cold stone slab in a church in Weilheim. She’s tasked by Sun with using her knowledge of the arcane to craft a spell capable of forcibly summoning Moon from her domain allowing Sun to take her throne. Cole is summoned emaciated and too dehydrated to talk. Sun attempts to talk with her but she can not understand. Over the next couple days she gains some strength back while she watches over Theodore's unconscious body (who at this point is not sure if he is a boy or girl). Sun informs the two their final destination is the Lekle Republic where they will be taken very good care of because he is good friends with the king. Cole realizes that they are being kidnapped and attempts to run away unsuccessfully when Sun threatens to kill Theodore if Cole runs away again. After a couple weeks of travel they make it to a dock where they board a ship for a month to sail across the coast to another country. During the travel and boat time Cole learns to speak some of the native tongue and developes more of a bond with Theodore and Sun. They arrive at the port where the group makes there way down to their final destination. Cole and Theodore devise a plan to steal Sun's write of authorization. At the border to Lekle they blindside Sun by presenting it as their own and pretending not to know Sun. The two travel together back to Theodore's home country while Sun makes his way back to Lekle's capital in chains. After arriving at the capital Sun eventually re-unites with the Young King and is given the location of a demi-god who Sun apprehends and uses to track Cole.

Epic image of Cole

Option A: Cole was born on one of Gwin's Islands, a set of thirteen islands that loosely connected Ongrad's two continents. She lived in a town resting on a bank of lake Tana who’s name she has since forgotten. When she was very young repeated years of poor harvest drove her farming village to desperate measures. It was decided that the only corse of action left was to bring offerings to the god of agriculture in hopes of receiving a better harvest. Cole and a few other young children were set on a boat and shipped to the temple of the god of Agriculture as offerings for a better future. For years she stayed in the temple as a disciple of the god of agriculture until the day she was summoned by Sun.

Option B: Cole was one of the humans trapped in the farm of Grey Beast demi-god, this would give a reason fro why she would be in such bad condition and why the beast would have the ability to track her.

Issue with both options: why is she picked, what makes her special?


Inside of Cole there are two wolves, one is a normal slay woman who is loud and obnoxious. The other is a massive fuzzy.

Epic image of Cole
Epic image of Cole