Epic image of Ronan

The young king

Ronan Reyes



Ronan began life as a simple farmer, he was involved in a rebellion and became a council member of a ruling oligarchy. He was exiled, lost his family, and became a forest hermit. A forest god fell in love with him. Sun & Moon who were seeking out gods found and befriended Ronan in search for the forest god. They convinced Ronan to betray the forest god and return to his old life. Ronan, Sun, & Moon spend years together, then apart, then a final year together on their quest to become divine beings. Upon their ascension, Ronan splits ways from Sun & Moon and returns to his kingdom. Ronan uses his newfound powers to forcibly disband the council and set himself up as the sole monarch. He rules for centuries, in immortal vigor. He begins another family who are taken hostage and their throats slit. Ronan's son manages to survive but only if Ronan gives his blood to his son daily. As a result of daily bloodletting Ronan becomes physically weak and very slowly begins to feel the effect's of time. It is in this state that Sun finds Ronan in when Sun returns to see his old friend after centuries apart.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown! Ronan is a king, his unnoficial title as the young king came about as a reference to his eternal youth as a god. The phrase took on an ironic tone after his son's coma when Ronan began to visibly age.

Sun and Ronan Reunite



Sun & Moon - they his closest friends, they've spent years together and developed a strong bond that turned into fond memories over their centuries apart.

Ronan's Son - his only living relative, he is in a coma and needs Ronan's blood every morning to survive.


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